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Naturally Clear News, Issue #001 -- August 2009
August 22, 2009
Hello Friends!

Welcome to the very first issue of the Naturally Clear News!

This is a short, sweet and free service we offer to all our course subscribers.

You'll get a quick update on our newest sensitive skin discussions and discoveries, AND will let you know of the newest free gifts and resources on our site.

I Need Your Input

I started My Sensitive Skin Care in May of 2009 and since then the site has grown to almost 70 pages of information and resources for sensitive skin.

We're still a BRAND new site and what I need most right now {!firstname_fix} is to hear from YOU! :-)

What sensitive skin problems are you dealing with right now?

Let me know how we can help!

It takes just a minute to let me know. You don't even need to use your e-mail address or name. I Need Your Comments

You'll also get to see what other visitors have shared, AND it will help me a lot.

Thank you SO much! :-)

OK, on to our newest updates....

Did You Get Your Free EBook Yet?

I am offering a Free My Sensitive Skin Care EBook to the next six people who create a free Natural Beauty Journal on our site.

This free eBook contains over 100 pages of cutting edge information from our site about safe, natural beauty and skin care.

Create YOUR Natural Beauty Journal Here

P.S. You can see an example at my Sample Natural Beauty Journal which shares my most recent sensitive skin saga ... skin breakouts after taking penicillin for a dental problem!

NEW Discussion Forums

We created a new place for your to ask questions and connect with others at our NEW Skin Care Forums!

Here are some of the newest questions and comments. Please join in and share your comments or ask another question!

Healthy Food?

Suggestions for Mineral Makeup?

Healing Skin Damage from Steroid Creams

Newest Sections of Our Site

We opened up several new sections of our site this month. What do you think?

Natural Face Lifts

Rosacea Cures

Eczema Treatments

Healing Psoriasis

Want to Read Our Newest Pages?

Right now I am adding new pages to My Sensitive Skin Care on a regular basis. If you'd like to read your newest pages, you can Visit Our Blog.

You can also use the buttons on this page if you'd like to subscribe to our RSS feed. What's an RSS Feed?

Thank you again for joining us at My Sensitive Skin Care {!firstname_fix}! Please let me know how I can continue to support you!

Best wishes,

Copyright ©2009

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