Salicylate Free Fragrance?
by Sue
I am looking for a fragrance that i can use everyday that is Salicylate free. Any ideas?
Our replyHi Sue, thanks for your message. That's a great question! I am not an expert on
salicylate free products, but I have never been able to find a salicylate free fragrance or perfume. Salicylates are natural anti-inflammatory and medicinal substances found in plants, which are the active ingredient in aspirin. Natural fragrances such as essential oils contain a lot of salicylates. I am not sure how you would find a salicylate free fragrance or perfume.
That being said, I do know of one brand of ***z-cleure-salicylate-free-glycerin-soap.shtml*** which is lightly scented. This soap is completely free of salicylates, and yet they somehow managed to provide a gentle, safe and non-toxic scent of Vanilla or Gardenia for those who like the luxury of a nicely scented soap. It also comes in unscented, for those who prefer no fragrance. This may be a good solution for you for a salicylate free fragrance for daily use!
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