Sensitive Skincare Advice

Pure, Natural Solutions for Your Personal Skin Issues

Sensitive skincare advice on pure, natural and effective treatment options for a variety of skin conditions, including non-toxic and environmentally friendly ways to improve aging skin, acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and hives.



Finding the right sensitive skincare treatment can be difficult, and somewhat overwhelming, especially with so many products claiming to be non-toxic and hypo-allergenic.

Sensitive Skin Care Advice

Do you try every new cream and lotion on the market with hopeful anticipation, only to be disappointed when you still experience the usual redness, itching, blemishes, or irritation?

You have probably learned the hard way that a product that is supposed to be safe for sensitive skin isn't always as gentle as the label advertises, and hundreds of dollars later, you are left with nothing but a drawer full of ineffective treatments.

But, do not dismay! Most skin conditions can actually be alleviated by making simple lifestyle changes, and many symptoms can be relieved with easy, inexpensive solutions.

By using the most natural and holistic approaches to skincare, you can say goodbye to blotches and blemishes and hello to beautiful, healthy, radiant skin.

Sensitive Skin Conditions

Aging Skin Care

Aging Skin Care

Everyone wants to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, but many anti-aging products that promise to eliminate crows feet, lift tired puffy eyes, and firm a sagging jaw can actually be toxic and irritating to your skin. 

In fact, many of the ingredients have been known to cause allergic reactions and can be linked to cancer, suppressed immunity, and toxicity of the reproductive and nervous systems. That seems like quite a steep exchange for a sip from the fountain of youth, doesn't it? 

Well, the good news is that there are many safe, yet equally effective anti-aging skin care treatments that will improve your skin without all the toxic side effects.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces wrinkles, protects the body from environmental pollutants, and acts as a defense against the free radicals that cause damage to the skin. Vitamin C is also essential for the production of collagen which helps maintain skin's elasticity and firmness.

Vitamin E is another important antioxidant that is effective in improving moisture, protecting against environmental toxins, and aiding in the efficient functioning of the body's immune system. Check the label and make sure that your product contains Vitamin E succinate and not vitamin E in the form of Tocopherol Acetate, which is considered to be both toxic and allergenic.

Facial exercises can give the same results as expensive anti-aging creams or facelifts, but they are much healthier and less costly, too. Just like every other part of your body, your face can be toned and tightened with simple exercises that really work.

For example, you can defy those crow's feet by closing your eyes and running your thumbs firmly across your temple, beginning at the corner of your eyes and moving toward your hairline.  Repeat this 10 times a day, and you will soon notice smoother, firmer skin.

Acne Skin Care

Acne Skin Care

Very sensitive skin does not respond well to traditional acne treatments. This is because most of these products contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid which are harsh chemicals that cause inflammation. Whether you suffer from severe acne or the occasional blemish, the goal is to eliminate the eruption without damaging or irritating your skin.

What causes acne? Understanding why you experience blemishes and skin eruptions may be a key factor in finding an effective acne treatment. Although there are several triggers, most doctors and dermatologists agree that acne is a result of imbalances in the body. Our hormonal processes can affect our skin, as can some prescription medications and the harmful chemicals or toxins present in many skin care products. One of the leading causes of acne is sugar. Eating a diet high in refined sugars and processed foods stimulates the production of sebum, which causes blemishes and outbreaks. 

Treatments and Remedies for Acne

Traditional acne treatments can actually be counterproductive because they often contain toxic irritants such as parabens, propylene glycol, and sodium lauryl sulfate. Natural holistic solutions can offer effective results without using harmful chemicals or drying your skin.

You may notice significant improvements by simply changing your diet and eliminating sugar laden foods.

An increase in vitamin A will help reduce sebum production and decrease acne breakouts. Also, zinc is very effective in lessening irritation, swelling, and the appearance of red blotches on the skin.

If you want an easy, immediate treatment, many natural remedies can be made using ingredients most people have at home. A sliced raw, white potato reduces swelling and inflammation, while applying a mixture of grated apple and honey to your face will improve redness and help acne breakouts clear up faster. Mint tea is also a great anti-inflammatory, or for a stronger treatment, dab a little tea tree oil on each blemish.

Severe acne can sometimes cause scarring, but there are many natural homemade treatments that will encourage healing and reduce the appearance of acne scars. Cut a fresh, raw tomato in half, rub it on your face, and leave for about fifteen minutes before rinsing with pure water. The acids in tomatoes have both antibacterial and exfoliating properties which will purify and rejuvenate skin. Rubbing raw papaya on an acne scar will also aid in healing and skin recovery.

Eczema Skin Care

Eczema can be both painful and irritating, but many of the traditional medications and treatments may actually lead to an imbalance of the immune system, which can prolong the symptoms or cause more frequent recurrences.

What is Eczema?

Dry Skin Rash

Eczema is a chronic skin condition, also known as atopic dermatitis, which causes itching and inflamed skin. Other symptoms may include burning, redness, bumps, dry thickened skin, oozing sores, and crusting on the face and scalp.

What Causes Eczema?

Although the specific cause of eczema is unknown, most doctors agree that it is usually an allergic reaction to environmental triggers, resulting in an overactive immune system. These triggers vary depending on the individual and can include such things as certain fabrics or textiles, particular foods, fragrances, chemicals in cleaning and personal products, or stress.

Eczema Treatments and Remedies

One of the best ways to reduce the symptoms of eczema is to eliminate the triggers, if possible. If you do not know what is causing the inflammation or irritation, there are several natural eczema treatments that may help relieve the itching and pain.

Bathing in oatmeal will help soothe the skin and calm inflammation, but make sure the water is not too hot.

Refined emu oil contains many anti-inflammatory properties, so rubbing a small amount on the affected area may bring some relief. Effectiveness depends on purity, so try to use the highest quality possible. Of course, avoiding allergens such as harsh soaps and fragrances will also help you manage the condition and reduce the severity of the outbreaks.

Rosacea Skin Care

Dealing with Rosacea can be discouraging, and even painful, and finding effective treatments is not always easy. Unfortunately, many skincare choices make the condition worse. It is important to understand proper treatments that will help diminish the symptoms rather than contribute to the severity of inflammation.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disorder that is most prevalent in women and individuals between the ages of 30 and 60. The condition usually begins with a redness that becomes darker over time and may eventually include bumps on the face or thickened skin. Often spider veins develop and some people may also experience irritation of the eyes.

What causes Rosacea?

Although no definite rosacea causes have been determined, many doctors believe that the condition may be triggered by certain factors including an acidic diet, an immune system disorder, stress, heredity, or a bacteria known as helicobacter pylor bacteria.

Rosacea Treatments and Remedies

At this point, there is no cure for rosacea, but there are many natural treatments that can help manage symptoms and reduce severity.

Since rosacea is irritated by heat, staying out of the sun and avoiding hot tubs or saunas may help reduce or eliminate symptoms. Clean your face gently and stay away from harsh cleansers or exfoliants.

A facial massage helps increase the circulation to the skin and aids in the release of toxins and impurities. Using a small amount of jojoba oil will reduce friction and increase the effectiveness of the massage. Since jojoba oil is very similar to your skin's natural oils, it will soothe your skin without clogging your pores.

If you are looking for an inexpensive home remedy, try apple cider vinegar. Dilute to 50% strength and apply to your face, or take internally by mixing 1-3 tablespoons in a glass of water.

In some cases, laser treatment for rosacea may be an option, but this can be very expensive, running anywhere from $300-$600 per session, with several treatments and follow-up visits required.

Psoriasis Skin Care

Those living with psoriasis are often looking for a treatment that will reduce the itch and pain as well as eliminate the embarrassing blotches and scales.

What is Psoriasis?


Psoriasis is a dry, itchy, painful rash often accompanied by light colored scales. It usually appears on the scalp, elbows, or knees, although it can occur anywhere on the body. Some people experience a mild case of scalp psoriasis with dandruff-like symptom,s while others suffer with large patches of bright red rash, thickened skin, and silvery scales that can be very painful.

What causes Psoriasis?

Although there is no known cause, this condition is thought to be hereditary or linked to the functioning of the immune system. Symptoms can be triggered by environmental factors, infections, hormonal changes, low calcium levels, cold weather, smoking, alcohol, or stress.

Treatments and Remedies for Psoriasis

If you want to avoid the toxicity caused by many medical interventions, you may want to try some natural home remedies for psoriasis that can help you control, or even eliminate, your psoriasis symptoms.

Take a milk and olive oil bath. Add several tablespoons of pure olive oil and one cup of milk to a tub full of tepid water, then enjoy a relaxing soak that will bring relief to your skin. Remember not to make the water too hot or you will experience drying and increased itching.

Give this unique homemade treatment a try. Make a cabbage leaf patch by wrapping a clean, fresh cabbage leaf around an affected area. Cabbage contains many healing properties that will soothe and repair your skin.

Garlic cures a thousand ailments, including psoriasis. Take it internally or apply it directly to the lesions to take advantage of this powerful antioxidant.

Hives Skin Care

Anyone who has ever experienced an allergic reaction knows the misery that the itch and irritation of hives can cause.

What are Hives?


Hives are usually an itchy rash that appears quickly and only last a couple of days. Hives usually present as red, smooth, itchy spots that resemble insect bites or small welts. Although they can be irritating, they are generally short-lived. But, if they last more than a few days, you should visit your physician to make sure the condition is not something more serious.

What causes Hives?

Determining the cause of your outbreak is important because it will help you know how to treat it. Most of the time, hives are a result of an allergy, usually to food, medication, or chemicals in cleaning or personal care products. Stress may also be a key factor in the appearance of this condition.

Treatments and Remedies for Hives

If you can discover the cause of the hives then you can simply eliminate the trigger. However, if you cannot determine a reason, or want relief while the condition runs its course, then there are several treatments that can reduce the severity and longevity of the symptoms.

An oatmeal bath will soothe the irritation, as will cold compresses or ice. Avoid hot baths or showers since the heat will exacerbate the symptoms. Antihistamines may also be effective, although they will make you drowsy and contain many toxic substances that you may wish to avoid.

Sensitive Skincare Treatments

Skin care for sensitive skin does not have to be difficult, complicated, or expensive. There are so many healthy and simple solutions available, and finding the right treatment will make even the most stubborn and irritated skin look healthy and radiant.

There are a few things that you can do that will help you see results almost immediately.

  • Determine the cause of your problem - Pay attention to your lifestyle and eating habits and see if you can pinpoint any triggers or patterns that may help you identify the cause of your skin inflammations. For example, does your face break out after eating a particular food? Or, does your skin become red and blotchy when you are experiencing stress?
  • Eliminate fragrances - This is one of the best things that you can do for your sensitive skin since fragrances are toxic and often cause allergic reactions.
  • Use toxin-free skin care products - Unfortunately, many skin care products contain ingredients that interfere with hormone processes, effect the immune system, and put dangerous toxins into your body. An unhealthy body is reflected in unhealthy skin.
  • Use hypo-allergenic products - But beware! Many products that claim to be hypo-allergenic still contain ingredients that are harmful, and even toxic, such as botanicals or essential oils which irritate sensitive skin. The only brand of hypoallergenic products we've found that do not contain irritanting chemicas are Cleure .
  • Take care of your digestive and elimination systems - Your body is designed to release toxins through its digestive and elimination systems, but when these systems become sluggish due to poor diet or lifestyle, your skin will try to help out. When toxins are released through the skin, you will experience breakouts and inflammation.
  • Make important dietary changes - Most skin conditions are caused by immune system problems. Proper diet builds a strong immunity which will be reflected in healthy, glowing, blemish-free skin.

Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest and most affordable treatments. Eliminate chemicals and processed foods, and replacerefined sugar with the healthier options of stevia or xylitol. Increase fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and add in a little more cold pressed oils and omega-3s. Caffeine stimulates an increase of stress hormones, so simple things like reducing coffee and tea intake will help improve the look of your skin.

By making simple lifestyle changes, carefully choosing products, and finding the right sensitive skincare treatment, you can manage or eliminate many painful and irritating conditions and enjoy the benefits of happy, healthy skin.

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